hale studio User Guide
    hale studio - The HUMBOLDT Alignment Editor
    The HUMBOLDT project
    Resources and Support
  What's new?
    Previous versions (up to 5.1)
      New in 5.1.0
      New in 5.0.1
      New in 5.0
      New in 4.1
      New in 4.0
      New in 3.5
      New in 3.4
      New in 3.3.2
      New in 3.3.1
      New in 3.3
      New in 3.2
      New in 3.1
      New in 3.0
      New in 2.9
      New in 2.8
      New in 2.7
      New in 2.6
      New in 2.5
        Before and after
  Getting Started
    How to use the hale studio help
    First steps in hale studio
    Configuring your workbench
    Installing plugins
    The default perspective
    The data perspective
    The map perspective
    The Thorsten perspective
      What is a Schema?
      What is an Alignment?
      What is a mapping cell?
      Cell priority
    What is an Instance?
    Project variables
    Schema Explorer
    Alignment view
    Properties view
    Functions view
    Type hierarchy view
    Report List
    Tasks view
    Source Data view
    Transformed Data view
    Error Log
    Map view
      Loading and browsing schemas
      Defining contexts on schema elements
      How to customize the mapping relevant types
      Using INSPIRE GML data models
      Working with a source data set
      Save the transformation result
      Validate the transformed data
      Transform external data
      Styling of your Data
      Identify type relations
      Mapping schema elements
      Editing a mapping cell
      Deleting a relation
      Define a custom function
    hale connect
      Accessing your hale connect account
      Load a hale connect transformation project
      Share and update a transformation project on hale connect
      Custom Tile Map configuration
      Web Map Service Configuration
    Saving your work
    Transformation via the command line
    Schema elements
    CQL filter
    Supported formats
        Instance reader reference
          CSV file
          Database (JDBC)
          GML (Features)
        Shapefile (SHP)
        XML Schema
        GML Application Schema
        SQLite and SpatiaLite
        MsSQL Server
        Instance writer reference
          CSV file
          CityGML (CityModel)
          Database (JDBC) [experimental]
          GML (FeatureCollection)
          GML (INSPIRE SpatialDataSet) [deprecated by INSPIRE]
          GML (WFS 1.1.0 FeatureCollection)
          GML (WFS 2.0 FeatureCollection)
          Shapefile writer
          WFS-T (Direct upload) [experimental]
          WFS-T (Partitioned upload) [experimental]
          XML (Custom root element)
          XPlanGML (XPlanAuszug)
        INSPIRE SpatialDataSet
        Transactional WFS
        SQLite and SpatiaLite
        MsSQL Server
        HTML mapping documentation
      Type relations
        Spatial Join
        Groovy Retype
        Groovy Create
        Groovy Merge
        Groovy Join
      Property relations
        Ordinates to Point
        Network Expansion
        Calculate Length
        Calculate Area
        Compute Extent
        Reproject Geometry
        Interior Point
        Groovy script
        Groovy script (greedy)
        Mathematical Expression
        Generate sequential ID
        Date extraction
        Regex Analysis
        Generate Unique Id
        Formatted string
        Inline transformation
        Assign (Bound)
    Instance validators
      XML validator (Java XML API)
  Tips and Tricks
  Point of Contact
    hale studio - The HUMBOLDT Alignment Editor
    The HUMBOLDT project
    Resources and Support
  What's new?
    Previous versions (up to 5.1)
      New in 5.1.0
      New in 5.0.1
      New in 5.0
      New in 4.1
      New in 4.0
      New in 3.5
      New in 3.4
      New in 3.3.2
      New in 3.3.1
      New in 3.3
      New in 3.2
      New in 3.1
      New in 3.0
      New in 2.9
      New in 2.8
      New in 2.7
      New in 2.6
      New in 2.5
        Before and after
  Getting Started
    How to use the hale studio help
    First steps in hale studio
    Configuring your workbench
    Installing plugins
    The default perspective
    The data perspective
    The map perspective
    The Thorsten perspective
      What is a Schema?
      What is an Alignment?
      What is a mapping cell?
      Cell priority
    What is an Instance?
    Project variables
    Schema Explorer
    Alignment view
    Properties view
    Functions view
    Type hierarchy view
    Report List
    Tasks view
    Source Data view
    Transformed Data view
    Error Log
    Map view
      Loading and browsing schemas
      Defining contexts on schema elements
      How to customize the mapping relevant types
      Using INSPIRE GML data models
      Working with a source data set
      Save the transformation result
      Validate the transformed data
      Transform external data
      Styling of your Data
      Identify type relations
      Mapping schema elements
      Editing a mapping cell
      Deleting a relation
      Define a custom function
    hale connect
      Accessing your hale connect account
      Load a hale connect transformation project
      Share and update a transformation project on hale connect
      Custom Tile Map configuration
      Web Map Service Configuration
    Saving your work
    Transformation via the command line
    Schema elements
    CQL filter
    Supported formats
        Instance reader reference
          CSV file
          Database (JDBC)
          GML (Features)
        Shapefile (SHP)
        XML Schema
        GML Application Schema
        SQLite and SpatiaLite
        MsSQL Server
        Instance writer reference
          CSV file
          CityGML (CityModel)
          Database (JDBC) [experimental]
          GML (FeatureCollection)
          GML (INSPIRE SpatialDataSet) [deprecated by INSPIRE]
          GML (WFS 1.1.0 FeatureCollection)
          GML (WFS 2.0 FeatureCollection)
          Shapefile writer
          WFS-T (Direct upload) [experimental]
          WFS-T (Partitioned upload) [experimental]
          XML (Custom root element)
          XPlanGML (XPlanAuszug)
        INSPIRE SpatialDataSet
        Transactional WFS
        SQLite and SpatiaLite
        MsSQL Server
        HTML mapping documentation
      Type relations
        Spatial Join
        Groovy Retype
        Groovy Create
        Groovy Merge
        Groovy Join
      Property relations
        Ordinates to Point
        Network Expansion
        Calculate Length
        Calculate Area
        Compute Extent
        Reproject Geometry
        Interior Point
        Groovy script
        Groovy script (greedy)
        Mathematical Expression
        Generate sequential ID
        Date extraction
        Regex Analysis
        Generate Unique Id
        Formatted string
        Inline transformation
        Assign (Bound)
    Instance validators
      XML validator (Java XML API)
  Tips and Tricks
  Point of Contact