Save the transformation result

If you have defined a mapping and loaded source data in the application, hale»studio performs the transformation derived from the mapping on the source data. This happens on every change to the mapping, to instantly show the user what consequences his changes have.

The transformed data can be inspected in the Transformed Data view. Also, it can be exported to a file, according to the target schema.

To command linksave the transformed data, either use FileExportTransformed data... or the Export button on the application tool bar, then select Transformed data. Next you will be prompted to specify the export format and the target file. Note that not every export format will work with every target schema, e.g. XML export will only work based on a XML target schema.

Supported data export formats in hale»studio can be viewed on the following page:

When specifying the target file you also have the possibility to select a validator that is executed after the file is written, to verify that the file matches the constraints of the target schema.

What is an Instance?

Working with a source data set

Transform external data

Transformation via the command line