Transformed Data view

The Transformed Data view displays samples of the transformed data. By default it is synchronized to the Source Data view () and contains the transformation result of the instances represented there. But there are also the two following options to determine the sample instances to display:

For the first option, you have the possibility to specify a CQL filter, that the displayed instances must match. You can use the Insert attribute name button on the right of the filter field to help you in referencing certain properties in the filter.

For switching between the methods for selecting the sample instances, use the radio buttons in the upper left corner of the view.

Display modes

To inspect the instances there are two display modes, Compare () and Explore (). You can switch between both using the two leftmost buttons in the view tool bar.
For Compare there is also a variant "only populated" () that only displays properties populated in the loaded source data set or the live transformation result.

Compare lets you compare instances of the same type with each other. The instances are displayed according to the schema structure, with only one value being displayed per property. If there are multiple values for a property it is indicated how many values there are.

With Explore you can inspect an instance as it is, with all values that are present being displayed. The downside is that you can only view one instance at once, the numbered radio buttons can be used to switch between the sample instances.

What is an Instance?

Save the transformation result