Mapping Documentation

Project Author: Simon Templer
Project Name: Simple properties to complex structure
Export Date: 20.03.2012 12:13:06
Creation Date: 03.11.2011 11:18:53
Hale Version: 2.5.0.alpha

Type relation overview:

t1 to person

Creates a person instance for each t1 instance in the source data set.

For each value in personName adds the same value to the name property. If necessary a conversion is applied.

For each value in personAge adds the same value to the age property. If necessary a conversion is applied.

For each value in id adds the same value to the id property. If necessary a conversion is applied.

For each value in personStreet adds the same value to the street property. If necessary a conversion is applied.

For each value in personIncome adds the same value to the income property. If necessary a conversion is applied.

For each value in personCity adds the same value to the city property. If necessary a conversion is applied.