What's new in hale»studio 3.3?

For a full list of changes, please check out the changelog on GitHub

The majority of the new features and improvements were made possible through our contracts with more than 20 customers. We'd like to thank you all for your support!

New features

Load and share hale»connect transformation projects

hale»studio now comes with built-in support for the online collaboration platform hale»connect, where you can share transformation projects and discuss alignments with your colleagues. You can also browse transformation projects published by others, extend them and share them back publicly or within your organization.

Spatial Join transformation function

The Join transformation function now comes with a companion function, the Spatial Join, which lets you join source instances based on the spatial relationship between its geometries. The Spatial Join function supports the relation types contains, covered by, covers, crosses, equals, intersects, overlaps, touches, and within.

Thanks to swisstopo for funding this work.

Arbitrary SQL queries as a source for schemas and data

Database support in hale»studio was further extended by the possibility to tailor the schema and data import by custom SQL queries.

Thanks to the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau for funding this work.