What's new in hale»studio 3.1?

hale»studio 3.1 brings a couple of improvements and fixes. These are the most notable changes:

For a full list of changes, please check out the changelog on GitHub

The majority of the new features and improvements were made possible through our contracts with more than 20 customers. We'd like to thank you all for your support!

New features

Microsoft SQL Server hale»studio now supports Microsoft SQL Server as an additional type of database out of the box. This also includes support for geography and geometry data types.

Thanks to the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau for funding this work.

SKOS code lists Code lists in SKOS format are in wide use - not only for Linked Data. Now you can load SKOS resources as code lists in hale»studio, a SKOS concept represents an individual code.

Thanks to the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau for funding this work.

Validate code list values Code lists allow for more flexibility than value restrictions in a schema, but also bring less safety in respect to validation. To check the data you create in respect to values from code lists you can now simply associate a code list to a property - hale»studio compares your data against the loaded code list and informs you in case different values are used.

Thanks to the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau for funding this work.

Context counts On your source schema you can define contexts for the mapping that are specified through a condition on a type or property, or an index of a property. When you have source data loaded in hale»studio you can now see directly how many instances and values there are, that match these contexts.

Hide optional properties Sometimes it is necessary to focus on the important things. In relation to a schema mapping that's often the mandatory properties. In the Schema Explorer you can now hide optional properties in source or target, so you can see at one glance what you need to map.